#2013alive: Create a Daily "Me" Time Ritual

by alive Editorial

Amidst all the giving and sharing of the holidays, be a little selfish for week 2 of December’s 12 Months of Wellness. You deserve it!

It’s almost present-buying crunch time. Have you gotten everything on your list? For once, I’m actually done my shopping before December 23 (when I’ve been known to scurry to the nearest store in search of gift cards).

There are a lot of parties, shopping, and planning going on at this time of year. With this in mind, December’s 12 Months of Wellness reminds all of us busy bees to take a break. A daily “me” time ritual can bring the focus back to our overall well-being, so make sure to pencil it into your schedule just like a meeting or appointment.

For example, my daily de-stressing ritual has always been reading and sipping herbal tea before bed. Now that my reading nook features a fireplace and pine-smelling Christmas tree, this is especially relaxing. (Full disclosure: I’d like to say that I’m catching up on Tolstoy and Nietzsche classics, but you’re more likely to find me agape over the latest George R. R. Martin installment …)

What can you do to relax each day?

Reading, jogging, playing solitaire—the options are pretty much endless, so find what makes you happy. This could be as simple as enjoying a piece of dark chocolate or as indulgent as an at-home spa session. Here are some suggestions to get you started.

  • Energize in the morning or unwind at night with yoga.
  • Go for an evening walk, perhaps to admire the neighborhood Christmas lights.
  • Sink into a hot bath with relaxing essential oils.
  • Escape into a world of fantasy, epic romance, or mystery with a feel-good book.
  • Sip camomile tea (ideally in front of a crackling fire).

Get in touch

Do you already have a ritual that helps you de-stress each day? Let us know, and keep us updated on your 12 Months of Wellness journey in the comments below or on Facebook and Twitter (using the hashtag #2013alive). You might also want to download a December goal-tracking sheet to schedule your daily ritual.

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