#2013alive: Write it Down

by alive Editorial

#2013alive: Write it Down

We’ve been breaking bad habits for November’s 12 Months of Wellness. This week, put your efforts in writing!

Journalling is a powerful tool for keeping track of our day-to-day adventures, chronicling elementary-school crushes—and even breaking a stubborn bad habit. November’s 12 Months of Wellness challenge has been taking us through a four-step process for ditching unwanted habits. So far, we’ve decided on a bad habit, replaced it with a good one, and sought support to strengthen our resolve. Now it’s time to write down those habit-breaking efforts!

Start a habit-breaking diary

Writing something down can turn an idea—something we could, would, might do—into reality. Just like confiding in a family member or best friend, keeping a physical record of our goals makes us more accountable.

For example, I always try to write a reminder in my calendar if I plan on shuffling to a yoga class on Saturday morning instead of sleeping in. This doesn’t always work (my bed is so comfy … I’ll just nap for another 10 minutes). More often than not, though, putting pen to paper is the impetus that pushes me to set the alarm and lay out my workout clothes the night before.

Not sure what to chat about with your new paperbound confidant? To start, keep track of these habit-breaking basics:

  • the habit you want to change
  • the pros and cons of the habit
  • the reason you want to break the habit
  • the cues, triggers, and environmental factors that surround your habit
  • the specific goals you hope to accomplish

Get in touch

Do you already keep a journal? Let us know, and keep us updated on your 12 Months of Wellness journey in the comments below or on Facebook and Twitter (using the hashtag #2013alive).

P.S. If you don’t have time for a journal, no worries—try attaching something as simple as our November goal-tracking sheet to your fridge or office space.

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