Saying “Yes” to Happiness After 60 Starts by Saying “No” to Everything Else

by Margaret Manning

Do you every feel like life takes on a momentum of its own? I know I do! As we pass through the decades of our lives, one decision blends into the next. Finally, as we reach our 60s and we finally have time to evaluate our lives, it’s easy to wonder “how did I get here?”

By the time we reach our 60s, we have collected so many things, people and memories. But, we seldom stop to ask ourselves how many of them still serve us and make us happy. Maybe you live in a larger house than you need. Or, perhaps there are people in your life that cause you more pain than happiness? Maybe you are holding on to painful memories from the past of secretly keep regrets in your heart.

My message is simple – you can’t say “yes” to happiness in life until you are willing to say “no” to the things that make you unhappy. On the surface, this sounds simple. In reality, we tend to hold on to what we know, regardless of whether it still serves our purpose.

Someone once said, “Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy.” This is true at any stage of your life, but, it especially important when you reach your 60s.

Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happyRespect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy

I’d be interested in your opinion on this. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below and “like” and share this article to keep the conversation going.

What is one thing that you think women over 60 hold on to far beyond the time that it is still useful for them? Have you let go of something that was causing you pain? How did letting go impact your life?

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