What is the Key to Happiness After 60? Friendship or Financial Security? (Poll)

by Margaret Manning

When I ask the members of our community what challenges they are facing, a lack of meaningful friendships and a lack of financial resources are at the top of the list. On the surface, these are different issues, with different causes. But, if you dig a little deeper, they both relate to our changing circumstances.

Life in our 60s is a time of constant change. Our social circumstances are shifting. Our careers are ending – or at least slowing down. Our bodies are changing. With all this change happening in our lives, is it any surprise that many baby boomers feel socially isolated and financially insecure?

I’m curious what you think about this. What is the main concern that you have now that you are over 60? Are you worried mostly about how you will make meaningful friendships? Or, are you concerned about the financial situation that you will face when you reach retirement age? Obviously, everyone will feel some level of concern about both of these issues, but, which one is most top of mind for you?

Please add your vote and then join the conversation in the comments section at the end of the article.

Were you surprised by the results of this survey? Why or why not? What one piece of advice would you give to a friend on his or her 60th birthday to help them prepare for the decades ahead? Please join the discussion.

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