Wanderful Global Member of the Month: Aditi Giasotta

by Wanderful Team

At Wanderful we’re all about the sisterhood, and we love hearing from our community! That’s why our global membership is so cool: Wanderful women from all over the world get to access the all the benefits of being Wanderful in awesome ways.

Check out our first global member feature so you can meet other Wanderful women in our community — Aditi of South Bend, Indiana!

In addition to exclusive, members-only access to resources and content on sheswanderful.com, global members get access to our monthly webinars featuring inspiring women travelers, $20 off their tickets to the Women in Travel Summit, and so much more.

To say thank you to our global members and celebrate what an awesome community of women we have, we’ll be featuring one global member a month.

Say hello to Aditi Giasotta!

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Aditi in Amed, on the north coast of Bali. Image courtesy of Aditi Giasotta.

Hey, I’m Aditi! I’m a traveler, adrenaline junkie, green beauty queen, and vegan! I love feeling lost and exploring a new city and not knowing what adventures I’ll get into next or who I’ll meet!

Where are you from?

South Bend, Indiana

Social media handles:

Twitter: @theyatraproject

Instagram: @the_yatra_project

What makes you Wanderful?

I think what makes me Wanderful is my fearlessness when it comes to life and travel as a whole.

I fully believe that, as humans, we can only operate from two places: love or fear. When you try your best to operate from love, you can be more open to some amazing experiences. The fear part is what tends to block us from what we truly want to experience because we are stuck only thinking about the ‘coulds’ of something bad that might happen to us, instead of just going for it.

I am all about trying and doing new things to get out of my comfort zone, whether it’s swimming with sharks, skydiving, or bungee-jumping off of a bridge! It helps me learn what I like and what I don’t like, and if I don’t like it, at least I tried it!

I learn more about the people and the culture I am immersing myself in as well as myself. Every single time I take a trip, I feel like I grow so much more as a person. I become more well-rounded. It’s an intangible and beautiful feeling I can’t quite put my finger on. But after I leave a new destination I’ve visited, I feel a major shift.

Tell us about your most impactful travel experience.

My most impactful travel experience was definitely when I got to volunteer with special needs children and adults in Lima, Peru in 2009 through my college. This was something so near and dear to my heart, as my little sister has Down’s syndrome.

It was such a major learning experience to be able to give my time and help in a foreign country. I got to work with kids in the classroom, adults, and even got to go with occupational therapists on home visits to help people.

It was so incredible! And after we volunteered, we got to see Machu Picchu at the end of our trip!

Which destination have you always wanted to visit?

I want to go everywhere, but Madagascar and Antarctica are both tied for number one as the next places to visit! I don’t know anyone who’s been to either place, and they both seem so unique in wildlife and nature!

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Aditi has had the pleasure of seeing the Charles Bridge in Prague! Image courtesy of Aditi Giasotta.

What’s your travel mantra?

“Don’t think, just DO.”

Share your best tip for female travelers.

Don’t be influenced by fear. Just get out there, and travel!

Take a trip alone. Don’t wait on anyone. If you want to go somewhere and do something, go for it! Because time goes by fast in this life, and before you know it, you’ll wake up and wonder where it went.

Also, there are far more good people out there than there are bad. Put yourself out there, and meet some of them! Spark a conversation with a totally random stranger! It’s how I’ve made most of my lifelong international friends who I still keep in touch with today!

What do you like most about being a Wanderful global member?

I love this incredible community I get to be a part of which is truly unique and unlike any other female travel group I have been a part of. [mks_pullquote align=”left” width=”300″ size=”24″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#36adaf”]It is bursting with positivity, creativity, and kindness![/mks_pullquote] I love learning about other members, their stories, and their advice and tips all the way from travel to entrepreneurship and blogging. I also look forward to the awesome online webinars and learning more from my fierce fellow female jet-setters!

Get more involved with Wanderful: be a global member!

For $7/month or $69/year, you get all the perks of free membership, plus:

  • Special perks at select events & admission to members-only events in a chapter near you
  • Access to our monthly members-only webinars featuring inspiring women travelers around the world
  • $20 off your ticket to the Women in Travel Summit
  • Opportunity to be a featured member on sheswanderful.com
  • Exclusive members-only access to resources and content on sheswanderful.com
  • Member badge for your blog or website

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What do you love about the Wanderful community? Share with us in the comments!

Cover photo: Aditi at Machu Picchu! Image courtesy of Aditi Giasotta.

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