Wanderful Member of the Month: Kelly Rodriguez

by Wanderful Team

At Wanderful we’re all about the sisterhood, and we love hearing from our community! That’s why being a global member (formerly known as a “pro member”) is so cool: Wanderful women from all over the world get to access the all the benefits of being Wanderful in awesome ways.

In addition to exclusive, members-only access to resources and content on sheswanderful.com, global members get access to our monthly webinars featuring inspiring women travelers, $20 off their tickets to the Women in Travel Summit, and so much more.

To say thank you to our global members and celebrate what an awesome community of women we have, we feature one global member a month.

Say hello to Kelly Rodriguez!

Kelly is a former middle and high school English teacher, currently teaching ESL to grades K-3 and to adults at night. She is also a second language learner herself (Spanish), a writer, a wellness enthusiast, and an eventual expat.

She and her husband live and work in Massachusetts, but they spend their summers (for now) in the coastal northwest corner of Galicia, Spain.

global member
Because Paris is always a good idea. Image courtesy of Kelly Rodriguez.

Where are you from?

North Central Massachusetts

Social media handles and blog:

Blog: A Lovely Life, Indeed

Instagram: krod0519

Twitter: @KRod0519

Bloglovin’: A Lovely Life, Indeed

Pinterest: Kelly Rodriguez

Google+: Kelly Rodriguez

What makes you Wanderful?

I am driven by curiosity. I am a lifelong learner who has an intense need to wander and experience all this life has to offer. My brother used to jokingly call me a nomad because I was always on the go, but I wear the label proudly; traveling is like my pulse.

Tell us about your most impactful travel experience.

My most impactful travel experience was my first trip abroad. I went to London alone, and it was on that trip that I realized the transformative power of travel. While London is not a difficult city to navigate, especially for an English speaker, this solo trip represented my ability to break outside of my own comfort zone and make my life what I wanted it to be.

Travel influences my decision-making. It facilitates personal growth, and it heightens my intuition and empathy. Travel has shaped me into the person I am today, and with every trip I take, I evolve into a better version of myself.

Which destination have you always wanted to visit?

I want to see it all, but one trip I’m looking forward, in particular, is a North American road trip with my husband and dog, Gracie, in early 2018.

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In Dublin’s Temple Bar, where live music lives. Image courtesy of Kelly Rodriguez.

What’s your travel mantra?

I love this quote by Jason Gaspero:

Don’t wait around. Don’t get old and make excuses. Save a couple thousand dollars. Sell your car. Get a world atlas. Start looking at every page and tell yourself that you can go there. You can live there. Are there sacrifices to be made? Of course. Is it worth it? Absolutely. The only way you’ll find out is to get on the plane and go. And let me tell you something. That first morning, when you are in your country of choice, away from all of the conventions of a typical, everyday lifestyle, looking around at your totally new surroundings, hearing strange languages, smelling strange, new smells, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. You’ll feel like the luckiest person in the world.

Share your best tip for female travelers.

Don’t be afraid of what could go wrong; think about all that can go right. [mks_pullquote align=”right” width=”300″ size=”24″ bg_color=”#ffffff” txt_color=”#36adaf”]Don’t wait; make it happen. [/mks_pullquote] And stay away from any restaurants or pubs advertising American anything. Eat where the locals eat.

What do you like most about being a global member?

I love having access to webinars and personal development in travel and living your best life. The depth and breadth of our collective experience is staggering. It’s wonderful being part of such a welcoming, inspiring community. I attended WITS last year in Boston, and I can’t wait to rejoin everyone in Milwaukee in 2017.

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Silly smiles in Salamanca, Spain. Image courtesy of Kelly Rodriguez.

Get more involved with Wanderful: Be a global member!

For $7/month or $69/year, you get all the perks of free membership, plus:

  • Special perks at select events & admission to members-only events in a chapter near you
  • Access to our monthly members-only webinars featuring inspiring women travelers around the world
  • $20 off your ticket to the Women in Travel Summit
  • Opportunity to be a featured member on sheswanderful.com
  • Exclusive members-only access to resources and content on sheswanderful.com
  • Member badge for your blog or website

Sign up now

What do you love about the Wanderful community? Share with us in the comments!

Featured image by Unsplash user Gláuber Sampaio.

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